23 December 2024

Go-ahead for the second Ariane 6 preparations


Having crossed the Atlantic, the components for the second Ariane 6 flight model have finally arrived in Kourou. Take a behind-the-scenes look at the preparation campaign with these exclusive images in the run-up to lift-off, currently scheduled for the first quarter of 2025 from mid-February. 

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After travelling 7,000 km across the Atlantic Ocean onboard the Canopée cargo ship, the main and upper stages of Ariane 6’s second flight model (FM2) reached their destination in Kourou. There, they will be assembled to form the main core of the launch vehicle. This marks the kick-off for launching the campaign at Europe’s Spaceport.

Le navire Canopée accoste au port de Pariacabo.

The Canopée cargo ship docks at the port of Pariacabo in Kourou.

The main core components have arrived at the Launcher Assembly Building (BAL)


On arrival at the port of Pariacabo in Kourou, the two stages were extra-carefully unloaded and then transported by road to Europe’s Spaceport, just a few kilometres away. Inside the Launcher Assembly Building (BAL), at the Ariane 6 launch facilities (ELA4), the stages were removed from their protective transport containers to begin their meticulous integration process. Once assembled together, the two stages will form the main core of the launch vehicle.

Déstockage de l'étage principal d'Ariane 6 au Bâtiment d'Assemblage Lanceur

Opening of the container carrying the Ariane 6 upper stage.


After assembly and testing, the complete main core will then be transferred to the Launch Zone (ZL) using Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV), where it will be joined by the boosters (ESR) and the upper composite, i.e. the fairing in which the payload(s) are installed on the Payload Adapter (ACU).

When the jigsaw is complete, the launch vehicle will be ready for its final tests and lift-off!

Assemblage de l'étage principal et de l'étage supérieur d'Ariane 6

The assembled upper and main stages.


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