During a launch
A range of measures are in place to protect people, property and the environment at every launch.
Before the launch
Analysis of the launcher trajectory :
Several months before a launch, the launcher's trajectory is analysed by CNES. The latter approves it if, and only if, it is not dangerous for the population, the environment or property. One criterion is that it must never pass over residential areas. If those criteria are not met, a new trajectory must be drawn up.
Calculating the flight corridor :
Once the trajectory has been approved, CNES determines a flight corridor: this is the safety zone where the rocket poses no danger to people or property, even if it has to be destroyed.
Before authorising the launch, CNES makes sure that the destruction of the rocket :
- will not cause large chunks of debris to fall on residential areas
- will not expose the population to a quantity of hazardous substances that is harmful to health or animals.
Deployment of security forces :
On launch day, French Guiana's Armed Forces are reinforced and boats, backed up by a special surveillance aircraft, prevent all access to the area around Europe’s Spaceport by either sea or air. No site in mainland France requires such large-scale operations, making Europe’s Spaceport and French Guiana unique.
Setting up of a security unit :
For each launch, a security unit is set up with various stakeholders at Europe’s Spaceport as well as the fire brigade and police. Equipped with telephone and radio systems for communicating with teams in the field, this control centre coordinates operations to guarantee safety and security.
Analysis of weather conditions :
The weather station at Europe’s Spaceport analyses the weather conditions right up until the last few minutes before lift-off. CNES only authorises a launch if the wind cannot carry any toxic substances or large chunks of debris towards residential areas, if the rocket has to be destroyed.

Monitoring and analysis of weather conditions.
During the launch
Real-time monitoring of the rocket :
CNES monitors and tracks the launcher from lift-off. At all times, one person monitors the rocket’s propulsion and proper working order. Two other people monitor its position from two different radars to anticipate any technical problems.
Destruction of the rocket if a problem occurs :
If it deviates dangerously from its trajectory, CNES destroys the rocket before it can leave its flight corridor and pose a danger to the local population. The launcher's landing is calculated in advance by CNES to guarantee it cannot land in residential areas.

The radar tracks the trajectory of the launcher during flight.
What to do in the event of an accident ?
[FRANÇAIS] Les bons gestes à adopter
Vous habitez à Kourou ou Sinnamary ? Vous êtes concernés !
Gardez votre calme et rejoignez un lieu abrité.

Allumez votre TV ou votre radio, ou connectez-vous à Internet pour suivre les informations sur le média public Guyane la 1ère.

Si vous êtes gêné pour respirer ou si vous ressentez des picotements aux yeux ou à la gorge, respirez à travers un linge humide. Si vos yeux vous piquent ou pleurent, rincez-les à l'eau. Si vos symptômes sont plus graves, composez le 18.

Éviter les appels téléphoniques pour ne pas surcharger les lignes.

Ne touchez pas aux débris. Ils seront récupérés ultérieurement.

N'allez pas chercher vos enfants à l'école. Ils y sont en sécurité. Les enseignants et les responsables d'établissement reçoivent les mêmes consignes que vous. Ils prennent soin de vos enfants.

[ENGLISH] Steps to follow
Living in Kourou or Sinnamary ? This information is for you.
Remain calm. Head for shelter.

Turn on your TV or radio or connect to the Internet for the latest information from Guyane la 1ere public media.

If you are having trouble breathing or have a stinging sensation in your eyes or throat, breathe through a wet cloth. If your eyes sting or are watering, rinse them with water. If you feel more severe symptoms, dial 18.

Avoid making phone calls to prevent from overloading the lines.

Do not touch the debris. It will be recovered at a later stage.

Do not get your children at school or at the childcare centre. They are safe. The teachers and heads of institutions receive the same instructions as you. They take care of your children.

[PORTUGUÊS] Os passos certos
Você mora em Kourou ou Sinnamary? Esse document o interessa.
Mantenha a calma. Dirija-se a um local abrigado.

Ligue a televisão ou o rádio, ou conecte-se à internet para acompanhar as informações no canal público Guyane La 1ere.

Se tiver dificuldade para respirar ou se sentir irritação nos olhos ou na garganta, respire através de um pano úmido. Se os seus olhos lacrimejarem ou estiverem irritados, lave-os com água. Se os seus sintomas forem mais graves, chame o 18.

Evite as chamadas telefônicas, para não sobrecarregar as linhas.

Não mexam nos detritos. Eles serão recuperados posteriormente.

Não vá buscar os seus filhos na escola nem na creche. Eles estão em segurança là. Os professores e responsáveis receberam as mesmas instruções que você. Eles cuidam dos seus filhos.

[KREYÒL LAGWIYANN] Kisa pou fé ?
Si ou ka rété Kourou obyen Sinamari, sa mésaj-a a pou ou.
Rété kalm. Alé roun koté ki fronmen.

Limen ou pòs télévizyon obyen laradjo, obyen konnèkté asou entèrnèt pou swiv kisa Guyane la 1ere ka di.

Si ou pa ka rivé rèspiré byen, obyen si ou wéy, ou gòrj ka piké ou, mété roun lenj mouyé asou ou nen pou rèspiré Si ou wéy ka koulé, lavé yé ké dilo. Si ou ka santi sa ou gen grav, aplé niméro 18 pou ponpyé-ya.

Si ou pouvé, pa kouri téléfonnen pou pa bloké rézo-a.

Pa manyen moso fizé ki tonbé. Moun ké vini ranmasé yé aprè.

Pa alé sasé ou timoun lékòl. Yé an sékirité koté yé fika. Mètlékòl-ya ké tout ròt moun ka travay annan lékòl-ya gen menm konsign sékirité ki sa ou rousouvwè. Yé ké pran swen di ou timoun.